2 Signs You Have Plantar Fasciitis


If you're having problems with one of your feet, then you might have plantar fasciitis. This condition is caused by problems with the ligament that runs from your toes to your heel. It can cause pain and discomfort that is hard to manage and cure.

Read on to learn more about some common plantar fasciitis symptoms. This information will help you assess if you do have this problem.

Pain and Discomfort

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition. At best, you might find that walking is uncomfortable; at worst, you might be in a lot of pain. Your foot might feel painful or uncomfortable in different areas. For example, the arch of your foot or the base of your heel might feel really sore. This pain sometimes gets worse when you use your foot after a period of rest. So if you stand up and walk after sitting down for a while, then your foot might feel really painful for some time.

Many people find that their pain is at its worst in the morning when they get out of bed and start moving around. Your foot might also flare up when you go upstairs or stand on your tiptoes. However, you often find that plantar fasciitis pain eases when you exercise. Even a brisk walk can see pain levels drop. However, they are likely to rise again once you stop exercising.

Unfortunately, plantar fasciitis pain doesn't fix itself fast without treatment. Sometimes it can linger for months. Or it can go away for a while only to return again.

Restricted Movement

Some people notice that they have movement problems in other parts of their feet or lower legs when they have plantar fasciitis. This condition sometimes restricts normal movements or makes them harder and more painful. For example, this condition can affect toe movements. If you try to lift the toes on your affected foot up off the floor, then your foot might hurt more. Or you might feel that your toes aren't going up as much as they normally would.

You might also notice that you can't move your heel or ankle normally because they swell. Plus, if you have to walk carefully to try to reduce your pain, then you might notice that parts of your lower legs feel uncomfortable. For example, your calf muscles might feel tight and sore.

If you think that you might have plantar fasciitis, then make an appointment to see a podiatrist. They can tell you what is wrong with your foot and help you fix the problem. Contact a local clinic, such as Sydney City Podiatry, to learn more.


18 August 2022

Podiatry for children

My son has always been an eager athletics competitor. He loves to run and jump, and especially loves to be the winner. He has been getting a lot of foot pain recently, and I wasn't sure if it was due to growing pains or if he'd been exercising too much. Luckily we found a great pediatric podiatrist who has been able to help him treat the pain and get some new foot inserts and shoes so that he doesn't keep having issues. This blog is all about podiatry for children and should be great for other parents with active kids.