Stepping Up: The Benefits Of Podiatry Equipment From Mobility Equipment Shops


Mobility equipment shops offer a range of products and services to help individuals with mobility challenges maintain their independence and improve their quality of life. In particular, podiatry equipment can be a valuable resource for individuals with foot and ankle problems. In this article, we will explore the range of podiatry equipment that is available, as well as how to choose the best equipment for your needs. 

Range Of Podiatry Equipment 

  1. Orthotics: Orthotics are custom-made shoe inserts that can help correct foot and ankle problems, such as flat feet, high arches and plantar fasciitis. They can also help improve overall foot function and reduce pain and discomfort. 
  2. Compression Stockings: Compression stockings are tight-fitting garments that apply pressure to the legs, helping improve circulation and reduce swelling and pain in the feet and ankles. 
  3. Footwear: Proper footwear is important for maintaining foot health and preventing foot problems. Mobility equipment shops offer a range of specialised shoes and boots designed to provide support and cushioning for individuals with foot and ankle problems. 
  4. Braces and Splints: Braces and splints can provide support and stability for individuals with foot and ankle injuries or conditions, such as sprains, fractures or arthritis. 

Choosing The Best Equipment For Your Needs 

When choosing podiatry equipment, it is important to consider your specific needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider: 

  1. Type of Foot Problem: Consider the type of foot problem you are experiencing and choose equipment that is designed to address that problem. For example, if you have flat feet, orthotics may be the best option, while compression stockings may be more appropriate if you have poor circulation. 
  2. Comfort: Choose equipment that is comfortable to wear and does not cause additional pain or discomfort. Look for materials that are breathable and lightweight and avoid equipment that is too tight or restrictive. 
  3. Mobility Needs: Consider your level of mobility and choose equipment that allows you to move around easily and safely. For example, if you use a wheelchair, choose footwear that is easy to put on and take off and has non-slip soles. 
  4. Budget: Consider your budget when choosing podiatry equipment and look for products that offer good value for money. While high-quality equipment may be more expensive, it is important to prioritise quality and effectiveness over cost. 

Mobility equipment shops offer a range of podiatry equipment to help individuals with foot and ankle problems maintain their independence and improve their quality of life. When choosing podiatry equipment, it is important to consider your specific needs and preferences, as well as factors such as comfort, mobility needs and budget. By choosing the right equipment, you can improve your foot health and reduce pain and discomfort, allowing you to enjoy greater mobility and independence. Get in touch with a local mobility shop to view their product range and the options available to you.    


1 March 2023

Podiatry for children

My son has always been an eager athletics competitor. He loves to run and jump, and especially loves to be the winner. He has been getting a lot of foot pain recently, and I wasn't sure if it was due to growing pains or if he'd been exercising too much. Luckily we found a great pediatric podiatrist who has been able to help him treat the pain and get some new foot inserts and shoes so that he doesn't keep having issues. This blog is all about podiatry for children and should be great for other parents with active kids.