4 Surefire Ways To Prevent And Manage Leg Cramps During Pregnancy


During the first trimester, you may have had to deal with morning sickness, and you were probably only too glad to cross over to the next trimester. Except, things haven't been as smooth as you would have hoped for since you have had to deal with foot pain, and specifically leg cramps.

Leg cramps and the associated foot pain is quite common among pregnant women in their second and last trimesters. The painful spasms are more common at night but may happen at any time of the day.

What then can you do to prevent, manage, and avoid the pain that comes with leg cramps? Here is a look at a few ideas you should consider today.

1.      Stay Active

Avoid standing or sitting down in one position for too long. When you are seated, avoid crossing your legs as this will only restrict blood flow. Walk around a little, and if the foot pain is not interfering with your normal activities, then go about your day as you would.

That said, you should not overdo it or strain yourself too much while being active. Take rest breaks throughout the day, and during these breaks, be sure to elevate your feet.

2.      Exercise Your Leg Muscles

While walking around certainly counts as some form of exercise, you can always do more. Calf stretches in tandem with a gentle massage can help ease foot pain when you experience a leg cramp. The same stretches and massage can help in preventing the cramps.

Both of these are quite easy to do, even on your own. Should you find the massage and stretches hard to do by yourself, your partner can always help.

3.      Watch What You Eat

Calcium and magnesium deficiency can contribute to leg cramps. Both of these are major minerals that your body will need while you're pregnant. Add magnesium and calcium-rich foods to your diet. Think dairy foods, nuts, leafy vegetables, and fortified cereals, among other options.

Your antenatal supplements contain both of these minerals. But your doctor may recommend that you add more supplements.

4.      Drink More Water

Keeping your muscles hydrated helps in preventing cramps. On days when you are moving around a lot or exercising, ensure that you up your water intake. If the foot pain is severe and you notice that the area around your calf is swollen or red, or if it feels tender and hot to the touch, then you should book an appointment with your doctor.


22 November 2019

Podiatry for children

My son has always been an eager athletics competitor. He loves to run and jump, and especially loves to be the winner. He has been getting a lot of foot pain recently, and I wasn't sure if it was due to growing pains or if he'd been exercising too much. Luckily we found a great pediatric podiatrist who has been able to help him treat the pain and get some new foot inserts and shoes so that he doesn't keep having issues. This blog is all about podiatry for children and should be great for other parents with active kids.